Adrenal Surgery
The adrenal gland is a small endocrine gland which is located just above the kidney bilaterally. It produces a number of different hormones required for normal body functions.
Tumours can arise within the adrenal glands.
Most commonly these tumours are benign lesions called Adrenal Adenomas. These can be identified and diagnosed with an Adrenal Ct scan. If the size of the lesion if <3cm and stable they usually can be managed non-operatively.
However tumours may also develop which are hormone producing, causing an over production of hormones which the adrenal gland normally releases.
The most common symptoms of a hormone producing tumour is elevated blood pressure.
The majority of Adrenal gland tumours are identified inadvertently on imaging during investigation for other symptoms (eg CT scan or Ultrasound scan). The most important investigation when an adrenal tumour is identified is a blood test and 24 hour urine study to identify any excess hormone production.
If a patient has excess hormone production identified it is likely they will be referred to an Endocrinologist for medical management of the excess hormone whilst also undergoing further scanning investigations for operative planning.
The majority of hormone producing adrenal tumours will require surgical excision.
Dr Geere performs both laparoscopic and open resection of Adrenal tumours. Usually if the tumour is <5cm it is likely to be amenable to laparoscopic resection. Larger tumours or tumours which are suspicious for adrenal malignancy are usually managed with an open operation.